Jean with husband Wayne

Jean with sons, Thane and Tynan

About Jean Hamilton

Jean Hamilton is an LCSW who has a private psychotherapy and counseling practice in Chapel Hill, teaches mindfulness meditation classes, and has worked part-time at the UNCG student counseling center. She received a MSW from UNC Chapel Hill in 2010. Before becoming a social worker, Jean received a PhD in Economics from UC Berkeley and worked as an assistant professor of economics at Occidental College in California. She also worked as a public health researcher on issues facing young children in North Carolina and California.

Jean was appointed to serve on the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education in 2019 and 2010-2011, and was elected from 2005-2009. She served on the Board of Directors of Women AdvaNCe for four years and served on the Board of Directors of the Arts Center in Carrboro. Also, Jean is a member of the NAACP, a past chair of her Democratic precinct, and a participant in the Triangle Insight Meditation Community.